Tuesday 14 December 2010


Shit's bad, I got no internet!

However, the world is falling apart and governments are slowly losing control over minds, so it ain't all bad. The change amongst people in the little time I've been doing this is crazy, it's now normal knowledge around me for people to know what the true nature of the government is.

I seem to get two impressions from the latest events, the student fees and cuts to the public sector. On one hand you have the level headed logical people who can see clearly that the cuts are ridiculous and will be devastating to the masses, and say they won't stand for it and are determined to fight against it (even though it's already happened!). Then on the other hand you have the ridiculous idiots who are either too stupid to rationalize upon the matter or are too disconnected from reality cause mummy and daddy keep them happy. Anyone who says these cuts are good in any way is an idiot. Sorry.

Here's a video that shows the London protests/riots in a much more accurate way than the royal loving television presenters:

I got some footage from 9th December in Newcastle on my camera, the cable seems to have gone missing like! I'm gonna order one from the net.
Here's some other footage I found of the day though!:

More update's soon!

Peace, Jamie.


Wednesday 1 December 2010

30th November Newcastle student protest

Yesterday, I attended my first protest. I had no one to go with at the time so I just went alone, it was crazy!

The spirit of people there was really good, there was a strong sense of unity in the crowds. Smiles on everyone's faces! well, apart from the police. I had to use the camera on my phone when I was there, unable to work my camcorder at this point! The video footage that I did get was quite unexpected, especially the HSBC part! haha
The police' opinion towards the cuts was most likely the same as ours, they wouldn't have been doing what they were outside the uniform.

Here's what I got, part 1 to 4. The video gets better as it goes along, the first part isn't as edited as much. First attempts.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

I really enjoyed the day and I'm definitely going to be doing more of this sorta thing. I can't just blog and learn about it anymore, the tyranny is getting too in my face for me not to go out and be doing things.
In conclusion to the whole day, I think everyone knows that it's not acceptable in any way to increase the amount of money people need to pay to get educated. It's not right, and we clearly aren't just standing for it. The response from the students across the country shows this, however I'm still very reluctant to believe that the government will fray from it's current agenda. Dismantling the middle class.

Definitely more like this to come!

Peace and love, Jamie.