Sunday 6 May 2012


With 2012 being the year that the Zionist games are to be held in London. The eyes of the entire world will be upon London.

This is very very bad for two main reasons. 1. It gives an excellent global stage to carry out 9-11 style attacks, and in doing so justifying to the masses of people who just believe the mainstream status quo, military checkpoints at various places, possible implementation of compulsory ID cards, unmanned surveillance drones cruising the sky watching our every move.. 2. If I wanted to commit a crime of a gigantic scale, I would divert the attention of the world elsewhere, wouldn't you?

They're putting fucking air defense rockets on top of peoples homes. And whilst doing so, even having the audacity to kick the 'legal' owner of the property off it whilst it's in use. Imagine that bullshit.

I have an awful feeling about the Olympics, therefore I will make a point of staying away from any activity be it next to or in London. I quite simply just don't think it's safe or wise to do so. Some would call it paranoia but if you actually use the thing inside you're skull you'd notice that the corrupt governments of the world have been manufacturing terrorism for tens of years, and you'd also notice that THEY WILL HAVE THOUSANDS OF TROOPS ON THE STREETS OF LONDON. 13,500 I think the number was? so it's probably much more than that, as real stat advice is never given to the public openly.


But unfortunately, as I wish a lot of the time I didn't believe what I know to be solid fact. I wish that the governments of the entire world hadn't been totally infiltrated by secret societies, hellbent on destruction of our very existence. Of course I do. It's not exactly fun to be in this reality, but if you look at it in the sense of how it will look in the history books, human beings very very rarely get the chance to fight such a thing as we must. It will certainly be one hell of a story for people to read - if the planet still exists and is actually inhabitable for humans that is.

Here's some visual evidence to smash some sense into you're eyes..

They aren't building that for nothing. And do you think the UK haven't got similar hideaways?

Some fucked up shit's gonna happen, mark my words! I have no place to advise you to not go anywhere, all I'm saying is that I'm not going anywhere near it!


hope I'm wrong!

Saturday 5 May 2012

Long time no posts! I almost stopped posting altogether as I was unable to see my stats of the blog, some sort of error stopped me from doing so. I just gathered that there was no point in blogging as I didn't think anyone was reading the posts....


It turns out people from all over the world look at this blog, monthly. The highest concentration being America. I can't lie, I was pretty stoked to find so many views! I originally started this blog as a personal platform to document times spent with friends etc. I was expecting only people around me to frequent it, hundreds of views at most.. Because of the direction the blog took, its became an international platform. Thousandsss of views!

To all you people who have left comments and messages, I thank you. The words of encouragement are appreciated.


I also realize that there will be some level of authority scanning the posts I make, to them - FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKKK YOU! You're the reason the world is in such a bad state.

So, since I've not posted for a while, why not give you the latest update on what I expect to take place politically, and also here's some visual treats...

ILLUMINATI RITUALS? nahhh, they aren't real of course. CLICK IMAGE TO ENLARGE.

The beliefs that the most powerful people in the world hold - to the average person, would seem 'evil' and incomprehensible. To the point where the majority of peoples social programming is so strong, it will not allow them to even contemplate the possibility of powerful people being into such things.

I have so much information I could give people. If I get any comments I shall be more active on here.

For now,

Do you think she bought that Baphomet necklace from primark?


Monday 26 March 2012

More predictions

Apparently, (according to Lindsey Williams - who in his past predictions has been pretty spot on!)

. There will be no financial collapse in April, May or June. They want it later in the year.

. The reserve currency of the world will be dead by the end of 2012.

. Name of the game is raise debt as high as possible, then tell the country they have no choice but to accept 'help'.

. The safest way of keeping you're savings safe - if you have any that is - is in gold bullion. But make sure it's legit gold, BullionVault has a good reputation. Apparently for every gram you own in you're account there is a physical version in their vaults present at that time, available for you to withdraw.

. The best way to tell the real state of the financial market is to keep an eye on derivatives. I myself need to better my understanding of the term. I know loosely what it means, but I'm still very very confused by them. I just felt that since all the things I've heard from this guy in the past has turned out to be authentic, the urgency was important. If I know these things and could potentially benefit from knowing them, why should others not too.

. Last, but unfortunately by no means the least, it scares me to say Lindsey Williams has said there will be a worldwide financial collapse by the end of 2012.

Let me repeat,


Even with my little understanding of financial markets and the effects that they have on society, I know that if this information is true, this is truly, truly, some fucked up shit. This could all be avoided too!

Just wanted to tell ya.

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Hat off to Alex Jones

This broadcast to 430 million people potentially, this man is right now risking his life. Even more so than he has been for the past 15 years. There are countless examples of where people just disappear, I'm truly worried for this guy right now.

To all the people who discredited this guys information that he brings, largely so due to the very personal manner in which he delivers it, fuck you!

I knew he was genuine, you just need to look how consistent he's been with his focus areas throughout all these years. When you've looked at this guys history, you can understand a little better why he acts the way he does. Sometimes you could say he exaggerates issues, but - truly try to envision what you think will become of the future if the governments and people in charge are left to run rampant. This man fully sees what's up ahead, for all of us, not just America. You either hate him or love him, and I fucking love the guy.

The amount of people he's helped in such a huge and dramatic way is almost incomprehensible, he's literally fought against the grain almost his entire career. I just hope I meet him before something happens, because statistically it's inevitable for him to be left alone, they'll get to him some way or another. This guy's house, phone, family and friends will all be bugged, and every single facet of his life will be went through with a fine tooth comb to try and find something to destroy his credibility. That must be nice, eh.

Pretty hard to do that when almost everything the dude said for the past 10 years is now in full effect. Little if any, deny governments are up to no good now. It doesn't take a genius to realize that, I know.

I expect this will be too much for the average person to just sit there and learn about all at once, it's not exactly easy viewing. But if you fancy it, have a watch. Leave a comment and let me know what you think of the film.

Monday 19 March 2012


This guy is comical. Sorta the british version of Ron Paul.

The people around him never have anything witty to come back with cause he's always spot on! haha.

Fucking pricks! the only reason all the 'austerity measures' are necessary is because the part of the planet we're on is perceived to be part of 'Europe'. Which is now, along with the UN, the base for what is world government. But oh yeah I forgot, that doesn't exist, does it..

Monday 6 February 2012

This video is amazing.

I really have to hand it to the man.. completely exceptional work. He has some rather strange things to say indeed, but his overall take on how society and the world functions can't be touched. Everything he points out in this video is so blatant, yet people truly don't get it until they're told of it. That's crazy!


Shout out to the machine minded military! keep up the great work, eh?


Wednesday 25 January 2012

We're winning

It's been a long time since I last posted, as usual.

And since my last post, where I felt things were on the up, people were really starting to get a grip of one of our biggest problems, the banks. We're now winning! The sleeping giant has very nearly almost been woken.

I think the 'best way to topple a dictator, is make him act like a dictator' thing comes into play. They've dramatically escalated the pace of their operations within the past 3 months, with SOPA and PIPA (wasn't online when the shit was popping off so I couldn't join the battle!.. Not to say that it's in any way even started whilst being compared to what they're actually wanting to do.) Wikipedia really showed it was for freedom with their blackout, over 150 million people seen it or something?!? That's how I know in coming years, we truly are going to win. The elite really are starting to get that funny feeling in their stomachs when they think about the idea of the entire world becoming conscious of what governments operations actually are. You can read this coming directly from one of the little hemorrhoids,

Zbigniew Brzezinski

Hahaha "for the first time in all of human history, mankind is politically awake, that's a total new reality... total new reality.."


The threat of military disaster however will always hang above the heads of everyone until the military industrial complex is completely transformed ideologically. This is slowly happening with the likes of Dr. Ron Paul, a presidential election candidate. Whilst I'm completely against the very idea of government, a huge threat to the entire world would surely start to grow smaller if he were to be elected. He is the ONLY anti-war candidate up for election, in the country with the most powerful military - in the history of the human race.

Keep you're eyes peeled if he gets anywhere close to running for presidency! we all know what's happened in the past.

We're winning and they're losing, mankind is now truly starting to awake.

Peace and love,