Thursday, 29 July 2010

Time to wake up.

Hello, long time no blogging! I've been totally slack with blogging, got over it for a while. But now I've had really no choice but to start posting again. Any of you's who know me personally will know that recently my eyes have been opened to an issue which should be on the top of every single persons mind. This is because it concerns every single person in every nation worldwide. It is the issue of a plan called the 'New World Order' been put into effect. This basically in the simplest term i could put it, is the end of society as we know it. If no action is done to stop the new world order, then our future lives and certainly our kids' quality of lives will be in serious jepoardy. I know up to now, anyone who hasn't woken up yet will think I'm one of those people who watch a conspiracy video and believe every word of it. Not at all. I've researched this topic for weeks on end, I've watched countless documentaries, delved into history and I've fucking shit myself. People are literally trying to take over the world. Here's some documentaries telling the TRUE facts of what is happening in our world today. Watch them before you cast judgement.

This is the video I think covers the biggest amount of information in the simplest way. It's a good first video to watch.

Loose change, the documentary which opened my eyes to it all. It utterly destroys the lies we were told about 9/11.

The Obama Deception, shows you that really, Obama is whiter than me!

There really shouldn't be a more important issue in people's lives today than this one. The fact that upon reading this, or upon me telling you of it, is your first hearing of this. The newspapers haven't covered it, the repeaters on bbc news haven't reported it, the amazing government haven't brought it to attention. Still think what I'm talking about is bullshit?


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