Revolution against the current oppression of freedom is imminent. It is going to happen. I wanna make that clear for anyone who's thought about it or wondered what we can actually do to fight back, or is still sitting on the fence. We're winning at the moment, and in the outcome we will win. Trust me. Anyone who reads this information and still denies any of it is happening and laughs it off or tries to forget about it.... you're kidding yourself. The sudden awakening of people worldwide to the new world order is amazing. In the past few years millions have woken up. Including myself!
If you haven't even looked into any of this already for yourself, what are you doing? Do you not know you're part of a plan which ends up with all of us dead? Do you not understand that your 'government' don't give a fuck about you?, do you not understand you're a slave?
Revolution is a concept I've been trying to understand for quite some time now. Just like most people ask when they find this shit out, 'what can we do?' I wanted to know this too. So I've thought about it a lot. Well for a start, we can start getting our backbones back. We need to start speaking out, believe in what you think, speak you're mind. FUCK ANYONE WHO CALLS YOU CRAZY! It's them who're crazy! because they have the facts right in their face but they're so dependent on the pretty pink world they live in they can't see the real truth. They'll come round eventually, and feel this exact same way.
When there's a big enough wide-spread knowledge of exactly what's going on, shit will kick off. They know that too. The current rulers of the world are shitting themselves! hahaha. These are people I'd like to actually physically kill, but because I'll never get anywhere near them I know that ain't gonna happen. It makes me so angry that I can't get at them, and probably will be the same for most people. But that's that key to it. I. We need to turn I into WE. Alone we can do little, together we can do a lot. If we try going against this thing ourselves then it will only ruin our own lives, but if we approach it together as an 'enlightened group' much like the cunts themselves! We will outweigh them a million to one. Think about it. We need a new political system, and by that I mean a new social and economic structure of our society. The one we currently have is fucking everyone apart from a few super rich individual groups. We can change this. We need to change this.
I find myself almost speechless when I take a break for a bit and sit and think about the actual conditions we live in. I find it hard to comprehend how we as people actually let this happen, and the conditions we're subject to still aren't improving to this day.
It's scary to think that every single time I walk down almost any public area, I'm being watched by cameras all over the place. Why? why the fuck is it necessary to have cameras monitoring the streets of a country? it lands on us the people, as a huge blow to our rights as a human being. People of all ages around me sometimes make little remarks about 1984 or the Big Brother prophecy if you can call it that, saying how it's getting more like it every day. I have news for you, It's already here! We live in it! Just look at things...
George Orwell didn't think of this scenario in his head, he had seen documents which explained what was PLANNED for society. The state of the world today was 100% engineered by design. Your designed to believe the bullshit lies and propaganda that the government feed you, do you think the news never stops talking about terrorism for a reason? Do you really think men in caves with really long beards, or people inspired by them organized the demolition of the twin towers? Do you think it was them who organized the 7/7 bombings in London? Or do you think the attacks all could have been done by design by our governments to make us agree with invading other countries.
If you believe that the terrorists are behind this then you're being deluded. Honestly, the evidence against these people is solid. Almost no one I've talked to in person likes the government or system that is ruling us in present times, that's one of the major strong points for me. People everywhere know that something is wrong, even the people who are clueless as fuck know that the government are up to some bad things.
The knowledge is slowly becoming more widespread and been uncovered by people, peoples belief in government is at an all time low, people are angry at them and at the system because they've declared war on us basically. When you accept that fact it really changes you. As a person and how you see things around you, when you step out of the tiny little box we've all been living in you actually realize how small of a box it was. I sometimes get angry at people in general, because of this reason. The people who still live in a pretty pink world annoy the fuck out of you when you're world loses it's fake hollow color. Some of you's will understand what I mean, some of you's will probably think I sound crazy but I couldn't care in the slightest! The people telling the truth at first always get labeled crazy, it comes with the experience of waking up.
There is the video of Eugenicist, Bill Gates explaining how we need to make people infertile and unable to have children through VACCINES - yes, things which they tell us will protect us - because this will stop the TOTALLY MADE UP problem of over population. Bill gates was formerly looked upon by people, including myself to be a nice guy. Donates a lot to charity etc.. But there you go. The evidence he wants forcibly sterilize you, you can't argue with it.
There is the Chief Executive Officer and Wellness Director of Life Energy Holistic Partners, Inc. Telling you what I told you all months ago. ASPARTAME IS NOT SAFE. FACT. You people reading this have been warned, next time you take a drink of diet coke or chew some chewing gum, just know you've been warned about it. It's up to you if you want to keep killing yourself more and more, I'd just advise you to do a little research yourself and have some common sense.
The money we use every day, it's issued as a debt before it even touches our bank accounts. This obviously creates a system of slavery, work it out for yourself.
That video took me longer than it usually would to understand a video, but watch it over and over again till you do. I can't express how important that EVERY SINGLE person in the UK learns that! It's what keeps us in place today. If people came together once there is a big enough understanding and support of the anti government system, once there has been a big enough awakening, then we can do something. Alone we can do little, together we can do lots. It's amazing how powerful that statement is. People need to realize that more, that's why I'm writing this for you to read!
Spread the word as much as you can, once you understand the current affair of things, you're world will change for the better. And only the act of spreading the word of this information will bring change. Make you're own minds up on what you want to be behind you're actions in life. I apologize for any mistakes or if things don't quite make sense, I always seem to be really tired when I'm in the mood to write a post! aha. Peace.