Fuck that! Let's allow capitalism to crumble. Once enough people realize that it's a redundant system, people will be opened to the idea of change.
Much like they are now around the world. In Greece, the enemy is so obvious that even the elderly are on the attack..
Wish I lived in Greece to be honest!
The Vatican have openly called for a super-national authority, to handle world economies better? aha. Almost everything that I thought would happen, has happened. The almost being the deceitful works of cveitch of course, who's actually apologized to his viewers via youtube, since my last post for some of his actions. Still doesn't change what's happened, however.
I've started University now. I have heavy chains around my neck in the form of imaginary debt. And to add even more insult to injury, as I type there's people occupying the belly of the beast, London. My life's being occupied by capitalism! I had planned to be doing the same thing, then as life happens, plans changed and things happened.
I'd be there right now if I didn't have commitments, especially commitments which would have been made completely unavailable, or unbearable if I didn't start the study within the year. I'm part of the last group of people to be getting fees for a little over £3000 a year, after the new year people will be paying £9000 for the same thing I'm getting. How fucked up is that?
Capitalism occupies peoples lives, and this guy loves it...
