I went to the march on the 29th in Manchester. I ended up getting locked up for exercising my right to free speech. Which also resulted in me missing my ride home and got so I was stranded in Manchester! Luckily, I ended up staying in a super duper top secret house over night! basically a cool place with cool people. I then got home in the morning by using a coach ticket that some other super nice person which I didn't actually know, gave me their coach ticket via text. I owe you's all! (photo below)
The experience of getting locked up in a cell for the first time gave me a real feel for what it's like. And fuck me. It makes you feel like an animal. That's what you amount to, a caged animal. One of the best and worst weekends of my life.

Compilation of more..
........ The state of the world is changing dramatically. And in Egypt thing's have been good and now gone bad. There has been no revolution. The military is still fully in control. This is a huge problem people all around the world face, but it can be overcome. If the Egyptian people, all at the same time grabbed every troops rifle that was posted in the street, adamant that the only way they will be stopped is if they are killed, how will they lose? Is dying to defend your freedom better than living as a sheep in a livestock management program? Make your own decisions. If you try to physically put a lion into a cage, will you succeed? No, because you'll be eaten. This is the mentality free humanity needs to have in this hostile day and age.
Which side are you on? The side of free human beings born on planet earth, or on side of the elitist scumbags who have set out an agenda in which, we're the little worker drones at the bottom of the pyramid.
Where are you? Are you pursuing something in life that's truly going to make you happy? or are you just following the 'norm'?
The ARMY aren't going to benefit you in any way. You will only ever serve the agenda of the elite. Stop being cannon fodder.
Gonna be updating the blog a bit more often hopefully!
Here's a tune I dedicate to all the drones!
Peace, Jamie.
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