Not quite. I've realized so much since I last posted, London on the 26th March was unreal!
Here's a part of the footage I threw together of my time down there:
Anarchy truly is the only freedom I believe. I'll explain a bit more of what I mean by the only freedom.
Only when the ignorant or lazy people start questioning their own lifestyles will there ever be any change. It's the slave school mentality which you get indoctrinated with whilst in 'education' which teach and tell you to obey the order of the time. No action or 'law' which enslaves or oppresses a loving subject is just. There's no way round that. Government are lying corrupt murdering filth on one hand, and on the other they're brothers and sisters who don't know the true consequences of their actions. Only by getting rid of this scourge* can you ever even hope of attaining a level of peace.

The poster pretty much sums up how I feel about the state, and what I think all truth knowing humans should be doing right now to the slave ship / open prison we all live in. Make the fucking country ungovernable! Act like a human with real instincts and real feelings, understand who the enemy is. Don't be told a manipulated version of a story and blindly believe it, always question it. What you're reading right now, question it. Do you understand why I feel the way I feel about things? can you understand my point of view? do you're own research!
Every day - literally, children and people just like you get blown to bits by mind numb monkeys who've played too many video games. As many people have pointed out, it's not actually Cameron or Obama that's putting bullets into bodies. It's the utterly brainwashed soldier cogs of the machine. People just like I see in my college everyday. Clueless slaves encouraging other clueless and confused slaves to join the section of society which the architects have sculpted to a thing which we all unknowingly accept. We amount to cannon fodder.
Hello Sir.
I admire your work here trying to wake people up.
If they realize what's going to happen with their lives, the massive fear and destruction that we gonna deal with, maybe many other people could be prepare and be save.
My opinion is that we have to became completely independent of the government, our we going to be in jail. If you like to contact-me my e-mail is
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