In present day, we are controlled by a corrupt system of currency.
We heed to money every single day of our lives. Without money you can't buy food, water, shelter or anything necessary to live. Therefore without money, you cannot live. So, if you're the one who actually produces the money and controls how much there is of it, you control wherever uses that currency.
If the people who were in control of that system were out for the positive welfare of mankind, and not their own personal gains and lust for power, then this system would be alright to live against - unfortunately for us, it's not. It is controlled by a group of manipulative bankers, who also control and manipulate the political system of the world and have been for hundreds of years. Stretching from the french revolution, all the way to the war in Iraq.
One of the strongest blows these cunts have on us is, if anyone talks about them or tells people about them they get called crazy, and get told it's just made up conspiracy theory. How is it conspiracy if all the claims made are backed up by facts and evidence? The answer is, it's not. It's just another tv/media instilled barrier put there to stop people waking up. Well, good news is - thousands of people are! everyday now. Thanks to people like Alex Jones, David Icke, Immortal Technique, so many more and also thanks to the efforts of you at home, researching into what the actual truth is, instead of just believing everything the government controlled media ram down you're throats. When people wake up, they realize that the world around them ain't as it really seems. When I first actually thought through the state of affairs, and actually comprehend what's going on, I was speechless. But then I was took over by an urge to fight back, it's just instinct. It's the correct feeling to get when you hear people are killing and exploiting you and the people around you. That's why I started up this blog again, I feel I have things to say which people need to hear. Here's some more I wanna talk about..
The Bank of England

These are the people who make our money. One of the best wordings of what they've done simplified is here:
"..we pay the bank interest on that money just as though it was real money that existed that somebody was sacrificing to make available to us as a loan. We really think we’re borrowing money that somebody has put into the bank on deposit, and the interest rate is justified because we have to pay that person for the sacrifice he made of making that money available to us, when in fact the money was created out of nothing. And so we are paying interest on nothing. Now that is the scam that I’m talking about. That is how all of our money comes into existence, not only in the England but in the entire Western world. And if that isn’t a scam, I can’t imagine what would be."
There you go. That's what they're doing, that's why you spend you're life working only ever earning enough to pay off you're bills with a tiny bit of spending money. It's a form of modern slavery, when you put it into perspective, that's exactly what it is!

Now I've gotten that posted on here, I wanna talk about today - 9 years ago.
I was sitting in the living room with my mam, watching the news report as the first plane crashed into the towers. Then the second. My mam thought it was the beginning of the third world war! not far wrong either.
Then I watched the constant news broadcasts for literally MONTHS and months about TERRORISTS! BIN LADEN! WMD'S!
That video is a prime example of exactly what the government use 9/11 as; a tool to instill fear to the country, so they can carry out whatever plans it is they have and make the people of the country back them up cause they're scared by SOMETHING THE VERY SAME PEOPLE CARRIED OUT!
If you still think that Bin Laden was behind 9/11, sorry to say, but there's no hope for you. You might as well kill yourself if you're gonna believe something so untrue and false, then rely on the perpetrators to make things right. Where will you end up?
STOP RELYING ON THE GOVERNMENT. The evidence against the government is solid. They've murdered people as part of a bigger plan.
Please read into things that happen, don't just believe what the corrupt government tell us has happened. Thousands of people have lost family members, sons, daughters AND STILL NO JUSTICE. My heart honestly does go out to the victims of 9/11, justice will come. Come on people. Wake up.
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