Tuesday, 28 September 2010


Here are some important films people should watch, full length good quality videos you can watch by clicking a button. Some have been posted before, but I'm pretty sure people haven't watched them because of the questions I get asked. These are the things which SHOULD be on the television, I'm posting them so it gives you something new to watch and learn and find out so you can warn others while I research into more detail about some things.

This will explain what's going on in the world.

What the globalists are doing primarily.

Tells you what the future really holds for us if humanity is steered in the direction that the globalist dictators want it to be.

The Battle for Newcastle (1 of 5) from Charles Veitch on Vimeo.

Here's a local video! A really really good watch if you're from Ashington or anywhere near Newcastle really. The other parts to it can be found on vimeo, the website the videos hosted on. Really worth the watch.

I can't really stress enough to people how important this information is and how important it is to spread it to as many as you possibly can. People are being poisoned and killed every single day by the people in power. Shake these people out of your lives, don't believe a word any of the puppets say.



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