Wednesday, 1 September 2010


I think when I'm posting on here, a lot of people who read it won't know what certain things mean. I didn't till I recently learned them. I'm going to explain what Eugenics is, to those of you who don't know. It's a huuuuuuuuuuuge part of the New World Order, Eugenics is basically a type of study which focuses on making the population of the world 'better'. It's carried out through selective breeding, just like dog breeders do. They get a bitch to mate with it's own offspring to make a 'purer' breed. People with undesirable traits, such as having any family genetic problems, any inherited illness, even people who statistically have a low standard of intelligence, These people in the ideal New World Order, will not be allowed to have children. They will need to go through the system of getting a parenthood permit, and if you have anything wrong with you, you're fucked!

"No woman shall have the legal right to bear a child… without a permit for parenthood."
- Margaret Sanger (founder of Planned Parenthood) in her proposed The American Baby Code, intended to become law in America.

Birth control methods are favored by Eugenicists, Hitler conducted a lot of eugenic experiments with the Jew's. Actually, the extermination of the Jew's during Hitler's power is a prime example of Eugenics, he wanted a perfect race and in his eyes, that meant no Jews or people with whatever color hair and whatever color eyes. This is what Eugenics is.
Things like, additives in drinks and food which cause illnesses over a long period of time, causing people to get cancer, become infertile etc, Swine Flu, and the H1N1 vaccines the government gave out for that and how they were filled with mercury causing an increase in convulsions in children by ten fold.. Are these things, not exactly what the people who favor Eugenics would want? Could they have been engineering this social state we're in right now? Do they benefit from racial segregation? Are they killing us by design for the purpose of Eugenics? Of course they fucking are.
My point in explaining all this in more detail, is the Rockefeller Foundation backs Eugenics. Just as the Royal Family do. Eugenics means killing or making infertile, people who aren't deemed desirable by people at the top of the pyramid. To have people still question the New World Order and call me or people like me who talk about it crazy or paranoid, is stupid and crazily frustrating. And it's the biggest reaction I get from people. I know why this is, it's because people don't like accepting or hearing about anything which is going to rock the little boat of their happy lives. The life molded by the media, pretty much dictated to by the television. People don't like facing fact, and that's what this is. The system which has been designed for us is also designed to collapse. There is no way in hell anyone can call our system sustainable. By the system I mean, the monetary system, the political system, social system etc..
Our future doesn't hold good things for us. Especially the way that society is in present day.
Here's some videos that you would benefit from watching;


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