Hello, I want to bring up another major matter which I believe to be present, in the North East of England particularly. It doesn't take two thoughts to know where your community stands on issues relating to equality. People in the area where you live, around you, portray the opinion of the majority of the community on different issues. My interpretation of the Ashington outlook on people with different colored skin to their own is a very grim one. I know for a fact that racism is a huge huge problem in Ashington and surrounding areas. Not so much as to actual incidents of expression, but just the general knowledge of how people around you think of others. People on a daily basis call people with different colored skin "Paki's" around where I live; 'How the hell did this come to be?' is the question I find myself asking. You can tell of my opinion of the social state of the country by looking through the blog. If you watch the documentary "End Game" you'll see clearly how the globalist 'elite' pull the strings to implant forced mentality onto populations through the use of the media, television etc.
Here is an example which just touches on the tip of the iceberg which I believe to be the fundamental cause.

I'm getting tired and gonna leave a lot to another post about racism. Coming soon.
Im with you all the way on this one, the levels of casual racism in our area is atrocious. It's almost certainly caused by lack of exposure and consideration. It really bugs me.
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