They are owed to for contributing to financing both sides of world conflict for personal benefits, funding terrorism,

, the building of a 'doomsday' seed vault in case of global emergency.. The Rockefeller family and their business are, questionable to say the least.
The building of a mosque on ground zero is of course going to raise racial crime, argument and influence the views of many more. All contributing to segregating certain people from other people. They puppeteers behind this know exactly what they're doing.
Here are some of the faces I believe to be or, have been key players in the 'global elites' execution of their plan in present day:

David Rockefeller, this man I imagine sits in one of his multi-million dollar mansions, just watching numbers on a piece of paper, watching his wealth and influence into society go up and up. He believes he's better than you in every way. He is the founder of some of the groups with the strongest elitist beliefs. He was one of the main people behind 9/11 I believe. Yet, he has received countless awards over the years from society for his 'honor'.

George. H. W. Bush, the father of the idiot which was president of America, when I believe to be the 'kick start' forward for A New World Order. When Senior George Bush was president, he used the term 'New World Order' in many of his speeches. In his Presidency, 1989 - 1993, he set up the building blocks for the new world order. A term which he coined by the amount of times he used it. In 2000, His son was elected president. Although I believe the go-ahead on the World Trade Center attacks and the Bombing of the Pentagon to come from much higher up the Elitist heir achy, It was then I believe Senior George Bush fulfilled his goal of a New World Order. Through the use of his son's actions. The 9/11 attacks gave the appropriate public opinion and the excuse for the invasion of yet another country, these being, Afghanistan, - when they were looking for they're old colleague Bin Laden, the face on the front cover of the 9/11 book which International bankers authored - who also used to be a CIA tactician, in case you's weren't aware of that fact. Iraq,- When America and Britain went into Iraq to find WMD's, which they were so confident about in finding, that's cause America gave them them to go to war with Iran, years before 2000.
"It is becoming increasingly clear that George Bush, operating largely behind the scenes throughout the 1980s, initiated and supported much of the financing, intelligence, and military help that built Saddam's Iraq into the power it became"

Shit's fucked up.
I am in absolute awe at how naive and out of the loop I have been. But what can the we do?
Maybe what some people say about drinking fluoridated water is true, you know, that it makes you stupid, docile and subservient.
If all of this is true, then the world is somewhat of a nightmare.
I just want to stick my head up my a** again.
Don't be misled by the title, but if you get a chance watch The 2012 Enigma on Google videos. At about 1 hour into the video David Wilcock begins talking about the Rothschild family and others.
He also talks about a machine called the looking glass, and how the bush administration used it to cheat and win the elections.
But who knows if any of what he says is true. Maybe the new way to "control the masses" is to pretend you are on their side by telling them a few government secrets. Ha ha ha
you are really stupid wheresthesense
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