I'm going to be over blogging for the next week or so, i have realer shit to be dealing with than blogging. I'll make up for it when i get back into it though. Speak soon.
Love Jamie x
Sunday, 19 April 2009
Wednesday, 15 April 2009
Yesterday I took Hannah Montana to town for a meal and went to see that film 'Knowing'. It was pretty sweet but these absolute daft cunts were staring the fuck out of us because of Hannah Montana being a celebrity and everything. Couldn't do anything about it since there was four of them and only one of me and Hannah Montana didn't bring her hyowageee bodyguards so i was over it. Next time i see them i will end their lives. Other than that everything was canny areet, the film was excellent. Really good plot and for the most of it - great graphics but there was one bit where everything was on fire and it looked like Roseys hair so i was over that.
Today i was planning to stay in and do art coursework all day but that didn't happen. kev rang me and told me to get ready and come out on the session so who was i to refuse?. It was foggy as fuck, it reminded me of the time i visited craigs home way up in the highlands.
Thats pretty much it. No Photos! Doylum.
Love Jamie x
Today i was planning to stay in and do art coursework all day but that didn't happen. kev rang me and told me to get ready and come out on the session so who was i to refuse?. It was foggy as fuck, it reminded me of the time i visited craigs home way up in the highlands.
Thats pretty much it. No Photos! Doylum.
Love Jamie x
Monday, 13 April 2009
Last few days.
Have been pretty sweet. Over the past few days I've done what i normally do, chill with the babe which is Hannah Montana or go oot and aboot on me skateyboard. On Sunday i went out with Hannah Montana because the weather was a waxah. We went down to Guidepost skatepark and the crew was there but i didn't have my camera so i couldn't blog the day out.
On Saturday i woke up late as fuck and Kev came to mine so we went to whitley and sessioned the tits out of the park. I felt fucked up and not right so i didn't lay down hammers of any sort. Neither did anyone actually. After whitley, we went to GP as usual. I stressed out which is very unusual as I'm normally chilled. After the stress out i was well over everything so i went home and the session ended.
Today i didn't take my camera out because it wasn't charged up. Idiot. Today we skated town and it was shit, the only thing worth blogging all day was Roseys deck and both trucks getting completely focused by a bus. We were bombing the hill going down towards the quayside and behind us there was a bus but we didn't hear it at all, i turned round and caught a glimpse of it so i moved out the way. Rosey been the absolute doylum that he is had both his headphones in so i had to pretty much break my voicebox to tell him there was a bus behind us, he heard me and jumped off his board just in time then the bus' back wheels rode directly over the top of his board smashing both trucks and focusing the deck. He was pretty stoked.
That's pretty much all that happened today.
Love Jamie x
On Saturday i woke up late as fuck and Kev came to mine so we went to whitley and sessioned the tits out of the park. I felt fucked up and not right so i didn't lay down hammers of any sort. Neither did anyone actually. After whitley, we went to GP as usual. I stressed out which is very unusual as I'm normally chilled. After the stress out i was well over everything so i went home and the session ended.
Today i didn't take my camera out because it wasn't charged up. Idiot. Today we skated town and it was shit, the only thing worth blogging all day was Roseys deck and both trucks getting completely focused by a bus. We were bombing the hill going down towards the quayside and behind us there was a bus but we didn't hear it at all, i turned round and caught a glimpse of it so i moved out the way. Rosey been the absolute doylum that he is had both his headphones in so i had to pretty much break my voicebox to tell him there was a bus behind us, he heard me and jumped off his board just in time then the bus' back wheels rode directly over the top of his board smashing both trucks and focusing the deck. He was pretty stoked.
That's pretty much all that happened today.
Love Jamie x
Saturday, 11 April 2009
friday session.
On friday, the session started at exi but i was over blogging it.
Then we went to the smooth path benches and sessioned them, there were runners everywhere.
Davey craig wondering what hammer to lay down on the bench.
Davey craig laying down the hammer.
Rosey was dropping bombs. But since its only a small bench, i suppose its only like a little grenade or something.
Hindy was stoked on cot death. It's just how he gets down.
Wizards love putting long sweet tasting sticks into their mouths and imagining its something else. I'll let you make your own opinion on what exactly that is.
Fackafff. After we were over the benches, we went to mince round town for some food, we saw bish and went to these new manny pads but i didnt blog it because im an absoloute downer.
After we skated the pads it started to spit on with rain so we went down near the library in the town center and skated these new black marble benches. Once again i didnt blog it because im an absoloute downer. Then this dickhead po po came and started swearing at us. Rosey didnt like this so he cast a spell on him and then got arrested and then let off. After casting the spell and witnessing the atrocious conduct of the po po dude we went to report him
Through the interview window.
Hindy is against benefit fraud.
After we reported the po po officer it started lashing down so we went to bridges.
It was shit and this is how stoked i was on it.
After we were over bridges and got some KFC
This is how stoked i was.
Craigey deave loves popcorn chicken.
Hindy loves making his cum face for my blog.
A. If you don't know the tartan craig or Gordy A you won't understand.
Wizards love popcorn chicken too.
Hindy started throwing chips at me.
So i told him if he threw one more chip i'd burst him so he decided to make better use of them.
The session was pretty much over after KFC. Me deekieing the po po van which was behind me.
Fuck the po - lice
We drove back to ashington but were over going in so we stayed out and minced in mcdonalds. Hindy and the Wizard thought it'd be a good idea to put coffee stirrer sticks in my hair. Okay.
How i get down.
Hindy's hero is jason burton.
We left mcdonalds and i took the sticks out my hair.
Hindy had a snoot whilst giving me a piggy back. yeah.
The cum face of a wizard.
After loch in at meeeekdonlds, we decided to fuck with the tartan caber tosser. We drove round and found a crate and made a huge A from it. Yet again, if your not our click you wont get it.
Stoked on the A.
The A outside of the cabers house. He wasnt stoked. After we rang his doorbell and ran away and deekied his reaction, we went back into his drive and blasted bagpipe music from roseys car loud as fuck. He came out and ran after the car like the bad terminator from terminator 2. I would have blogged it but it was too funny to be able to function a camera.
After we fucked with the tartan one, we went to roseys for brew. Hindy was talking to roseys speed fueled cat.
Apparently i look like both of these pokemons.
We started eating hot sauce and i couldn't handle it so the session was over.
Love Jamie x
friday session.
The post is gonna be huge. Too late to blog it now, i'll do it tomorrow. Just wait....
Love jamie x
Love jamie x
Monday, 6 April 2009
we dont careeeeeee, we dont careeeeeee

I've just came across this video on youtube, I'm pretty stoked on it. Have a deekie.
Love Jamie x
No, no, not me.
Today was areet like. I got woken up by Hannah montana at half past 8, i wasn't that stoked considering i got to bed at like 2 in the morning. I got out my house walked round the corner and noticed this is where i live now according to the goku wizard, Davey craig and E.T. After i walked her to the TV studio i walked down the the bus station to meet Luke.
I had no one for company for like 20 mintues apart from this smiley smoking a snoot.
Luke finally arrived and wasn't impressed by the almost dead people's crack. But the one in the brown coat seemed canny so i suppose they're areet. Luke's mam is a bit more than areet. i wouldn't mind blogging her.
We went to town and skated bridges, it was pretty shit. and Luke had chlamydia on his top lip but wouldn't let me blog it.
This dude was on the session.
We went to burger king after we were sick of bridges, Luke had the smaller version of my meal. Pussy.
I was pretty stoked on having a super size coke like.
Luke was stoked on apple fries so he got my camera and decided to blog it. Then james blunt came on so we were gone.
Love Jamie x
Sunday, 5 April 2009
Saturday session.
Today the session started off with the kev coming to my house.
He looked surprisingly pleased.
After i got ready and sorted out my shit, we went to the wizard roseys house and deekied what his crack was. goku steeze.
This is what young rosey looked like before mama wizard sent him off to hogwarts for his training. After we minced in roseys for five, we decided to session town so me and kev set off for town and rosey went to pick up davey craig and wigga scott.
We skated the metal benches next to grindy tunnel for a bit. Scott was over it and was too busy texting homies to look at the camera.
After a few games of skate and some hammers getting layed down, we got kicked out by a rather friendly security gaurd.
We decided to be waxahs and skate civic till it was a bust. we were there five minutes and this miserable security fucker grunted at us. we knew it was time to go.
When we walked from civic we saw a plastic cow just mincing in a shop window. We were all pretty stoked.
Kev being the pro that he is. went up the stairs, deekied them and thought 'ner, fuck that how'
Rosey didn't, and then layed down frontside flip hammers.
After we were over seeing rosey's wingardium leviosar spells in full effect, we walked down northumberland and saw a pretty tweaked man who was rapping about jesus to the instrumental of 'Candy shop' by 50 cent but replacing the hook with 'He's coming back, what you think about that?'. creased.
ABD's all over but who cares. three boards, this man is ready to go.
When we were on northumberland street, luke and scott got free cereal from this stand thing, he then bought milk and was pretty stoked.
Milk and free cereal in full effect.
Since kev didn't lay down hammers at civic 8, he decided to make up for it with this.
We went to white college and it was shit as fuck and windy. Rosey getting his wingardium leviosar on again.
We decided to session a white ledge and kev dropped a back feeble. He was pretty stoked.
I had possibly the worst wedgie of my entire life and dropped my pants to sort it out so rosey being the super hetrosexual male that he is says 'wew am definately blogging this hew'
Here is a close up for those of you who want a better look.
These radgies obviously didn't and looked pretty disgusted as they walked away.
After sessioning white college for a bit, we were over it and decided to go to Native to see wor' jackie. We got there and he wasn't in because he had to go to a wedding. I was going to blog kate but she said i wasn't allowed but she did tell me her second name was Lamb. Rosey bought a sticker for his car and enjoi'd it very much.
After native, we went to exi park for a bit to see what it was like. As usual it was full of tweakers and BMXers and some radgie got glassed. But then the lad who glassed someone got burst by this other radgie, I wish i had blogged it but didn't feel very sweet about getting my camera out in front of about 20 radgies who were drinking their bottles of bella and looked as if they were trying to munch their eyebrows off.
After exi, we went to morpeth park and met up with the tartan craig.
Special blog of him coming soon.
This is how stoked davey craig was about morpeth.
And this is how stoked rosey was about it.
We went to the park but there were radgies throwing water bombs around so we were over it and decided to go session this spot instead. Curb high waxed ledge. stoked.
Rosey learned bluntslide fakies, he was stoked.
Kev wishes he could be a wizard too but unfortunately he got thrown out of hogwarts his first week there because he poked hermione in the griffindor common room and got caught by dumbledore.
kev went home and we went to pick up hindy. This is how stoked he was to be blogged.
We went to roseys crib to chill and eat pizza. I blogged roseys shelf filled with his hogwarts potion books and final fantasy figures and Hindy beasted the fuck out of guitar hero all night long, he was super stoked but wouldn't let me blog it because he doesn't want people knowing he plays on guitar hero.
After we ate, we went to mcdonalds for a mince round and a late night sesh and saw the caber tossing gordy A. He's going to be the end of Jason burtons life next time he sees him out of his workplace.
I was over it so stayed in the car and text hannah montana.
Hindy wasn't so he took my camera and took some pretty tweaked photos.
I threw up the west side but rosey's from the east so he tried to suffocate me with my own hat. He was stoked on it.
Today was canny areet like.
Love Jamie x
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