Wednesday, 15 April 2009


Yesterday I took Hannah Montana to town for a meal and went to see that film 'Knowing'. It was pretty sweet but these absolute daft cunts were staring the fuck out of us because of Hannah Montana being a celebrity and everything. Couldn't do anything about it since there was four of them and only one of me and Hannah Montana didn't bring her hyowageee bodyguards so i was over it. Next time i see them i will end their lives. Other than that everything was canny areet, the film was excellent. Really good plot and for the most of it - great graphics but there was one bit where everything was on fire and it looked like Roseys hair so i was over that.
Today i was planning to stay in and do art coursework all day but that didn't happen. kev rang me and told me to get ready and come out on the session so who was i to refuse?. It was foggy as fuck, it reminded me of the time i visited craigs home way up in the highlands.
Thats pretty much it. No Photos! Doylum.

Love Jamie x


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