On friday, the session started at exi but i was over blogging it.
Then we went to the smooth path benches and sessioned them, there were runners everywhere.
Davey craig wondering what hammer to lay down on the bench.
Davey craig laying down the hammer.
Rosey was dropping bombs. But since its only a small bench, i suppose its only like a little grenade or something.
Hindy was stoked on cot death. It's just how he gets down.
Wizards love putting long sweet tasting sticks into their mouths and imagining its something else. I'll let you make your own opinion on what exactly that is.
Fackafff. After we were over the benches, we went to mince round town for some food, we saw bish and went to these new manny pads but i didnt blog it because im an absoloute downer.
After we skated the pads it started to spit on with rain so we went down near the library in the town center and skated these new black marble benches. Once again i didnt blog it because im an absoloute downer. Then this dickhead po po came and started swearing at us. Rosey didnt like this so he cast a spell on him and then got arrested and then let off. After casting the spell and witnessing the atrocious conduct of the po po dude we went to report him
Through the interview window.
Hindy is against benefit fraud.
After we reported the po po officer it started lashing down so we went to bridges.
It was shit and this is how stoked i was on it.
After we were over bridges and got some KFC
This is how stoked i was.
Craigey deave loves popcorn chicken.
Hindy loves making his cum face for my blog.
A. If you don't know the tartan craig or Gordy A you won't understand.
Wizards love popcorn chicken too.
Hindy started throwing chips at me.
So i told him if he threw one more chip i'd burst him so he decided to make better use of them.
The session was pretty much over after KFC. Me deekieing the po po van which was behind me.
Fuck the po - lice
We drove back to ashington but were over going in so we stayed out and minced in mcdonalds. Hindy and the Wizard thought it'd be a good idea to put coffee stirrer sticks in my hair. Okay.
How i get down.
Hindy's hero is jason burton.
We left mcdonalds and i took the sticks out my hair.
Hindy had a snoot whilst giving me a piggy back. yeah.
The cum face of a wizard.
After loch in at meeeekdonlds, we decided to fuck with the tartan caber tosser. We drove round and found a crate and made a huge A from it. Yet again, if your not our click you wont get it.
Stoked on the A.
The A outside of the cabers house. He wasnt stoked. After we rang his doorbell and ran away and deekied his reaction, we went back into his drive and blasted bagpipe music from roseys car loud as fuck. He came out and ran after the car like the bad terminator from terminator 2. I would have blogged it but it was too funny to be able to function a camera.
After we fucked with the tartan one, we went to roseys for brew. Hindy was talking to roseys speed fueled cat.
Apparently i look like both of these pokemons.
We started eating hot sauce and i couldn't handle it so the session was over.
Love Jamie x
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