Tuesday, 14 December 2010
However, the world is falling apart and governments are slowly losing control over minds, so it ain't all bad. The change amongst people in the little time I've been doing this is crazy, it's now normal knowledge around me for people to know what the true nature of the government is.
I seem to get two impressions from the latest events, the student fees and cuts to the public sector. On one hand you have the level headed logical people who can see clearly that the cuts are ridiculous and will be devastating to the masses, and say they won't stand for it and are determined to fight against it (even though it's already happened!). Then on the other hand you have the ridiculous idiots who are either too stupid to rationalize upon the matter or are too disconnected from reality cause mummy and daddy keep them happy. Anyone who says these cuts are good in any way is an idiot. Sorry.
Here's a video that shows the London protests/riots in a much more accurate way than the royal loving television presenters:
I got some footage from 9th December in Newcastle on my camera, the cable seems to have gone missing like! I'm gonna order one from the net.
Here's some other footage I found of the day though!:
More update's soon!
Peace, Jamie.
Wednesday, 1 December 2010
30th November Newcastle student protest
Yesterday, I attended my first protest. I had no one to go with at the time so I just went alone, it was crazy!
The spirit of people there was really good, there was a strong sense of unity in the crowds. Smiles on everyone's faces! well, apart from the police. I had to use the camera on my phone when I was there, unable to work my camcorder at this point! The video footage that I did get was quite unexpected, especially the HSBC part! haha
The police' opinion towards the cuts was most likely the same as ours, they wouldn't have been doing what they were outside the uniform.
Here's what I got, part 1 to 4. The video gets better as it goes along, the first part isn't as edited as much. First attempts.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
I really enjoyed the day and I'm definitely going to be doing more of this sorta thing. I can't just blog and learn about it anymore, the tyranny is getting too in my face for me not to go out and be doing things.
In conclusion to the whole day, I think everyone knows that it's not acceptable in any way to increase the amount of money people need to pay to get educated. It's not right, and we clearly aren't just standing for it. The response from the students across the country shows this, however I'm still very reluctant to believe that the government will fray from it's current agenda. Dismantling the middle class.
Definitely more like this to come!
Peace and love, Jamie.
Saturday, 27 November 2010
We all wanna change the world
We the people have the ultimate power, but until the masses are brought out of their little happy bubble of repetitiveness we cannot harness our power. There have been many examples of the spirit of revolution rising in the past few months, here are some to show the people who aren't aware of the huge awakening that is happening.
This is of course the End of fear revolution video made by Charlie Veich, the chief constable of the Love Police. which is set to take place next year. This is the date that I am constantly trying to recruit for, which is why I'm constantly posting this video places. Please do the same, the revolution is on our own backs.
The battle for Conservative HQ: Part 1:
Part 2:
Cambridge protest against fees Part 1:
Part 2:
Here's some fresh as it gets footage, this is from the one in process right now in Dublin, today!
Here's a recruitment video explaining the protest in more detail,
Here's Greece! They're on a next level, things over there have progressed faster in terms of revolution.
And here's some home footage!
No if's, No but's, NO EDUCATION CUTS!
Here's a protest against the war in Afghanistan that happened 6 days ago,
Being at war is senseless. Violence only begets more violence, it amazes me how the people supportive of the war don't actually get this. How the fuck is killing native people, taking everything they own and saying you now govern it, going to solve anything? If anything it is going to cause an immense hatred for the occupying forces in there. And for good reason. Soldiers are in no way heroes, and the charity called 'HELP FOR HEROES' is fucking disgusting and a perfect example of social conditioning. People killing other people are in no way fucking heroes, god forbid any of these nice people who are willing to invade another countries and bestow martial law upon them get hurt.
We need to be able to see through this propaganda as a nation straight away. Because at the moment the majority of the people haven't got a clue, we allow things like this to happen because the people aren't awake enough to realize the bigger picture. This is why we need everyone around us to wake up.
The 'kids' and students are the revolution. We are the ones fighting for our own and our family's futures.
Fighting the big brother state we live in - which we all so gladly allowed to happen - is what needs to be done in present times, I believe. I believe people need to eradicate the crazy obsession with terrorists and bombs. I think in the more intelligent younger generation of today, it's very well known that the whole 'war on terror' is a hoax into swaying opinion and bestowing mental slavery onto people. Forcing them to accept ridiculous measures under the guise of fighting terror. It's almost laughable, what we've actually put up with, and persist on doing so.
What kind of world do you want for you're child? A world where they have a microchip under their skin and everything they do is monitored and controlled? Once you see the smoke you'll be sure to follow.
Peace and Love, Jamie.
Sunday, 14 November 2010
REVOLUTION - The end of fear.

Today I'm writing perhaps the most important thing I've ever written. Today I will start the campaign of getting people to join me and thousands of others in central London on the 11th September 2011. I ask you to make a stand against the very government structure that has murdered countless of innocent people, staged false terror attacks to justify invasion and occupation of other countries, fueled racism, implemented extortionate taxes on it's population at the heed of Bankers and overall caused the war in which they persistently continue to fight.
This is the way in which we've all thought, 'how can we fight the government?' this action of non compliance is our fight. On September 11th 2011, we will go to central London and stay there, not go to work, not go to school, not move when the police ask us to, not be fascinated with any trivial garbage that sidetracks us from our real human nature. The nature in standing up for what is really right in this world. Our government gives to us war as a solution to war, it is a non stop never ending cycle of slavery that we're currently trapped in.
I'm trying not to sound too much like V aha, but I understand how comforting it is to live a repetitive stress free lifestyle. I understand how nice it is to wake up in the morning, go to work or college or whatever, come home and relax, entertain ourselves and then go to bed and repeat the process, but a time certainly comes when you need to question the conditions in which you happily live in, the agendas our government is pushing, the money that is being taxed from us, what our kids are learning in schools, the conditions others are forced to live under at the cost of our own.
Ignorance is certainly bliss but it is also the route to destruction. When we stop caring is when we really die. It's a great shame that a lot of people around me are so caught up in the stresses of their own life issues, they sadly cannot spare the time or even the piece of mind to think about and question what's going on around them. What they're way of life is causing.
What are we doing by doing nothing?
I know what we're doing, that's why I', going to do something. And that's why I will ask you to join me, we need everyone to do this. This is where past revolutions and similar efforts have been lost, the government has always succeeded in separating and breaking down any large force which can actually oppose their own power. Let this be the one that they don't manage to stop.
Friday, 22 October 2010
Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Revolution against the current oppression of freedom is imminent. It is going to happen. I wanna make that clear for anyone who's thought about it or wondered what we can actually do to fight back, or is still sitting on the fence.
We're winning at the moment, and in the outcome we will win. Trust me.
Anyone who reads this information and still denies any of it is happening and laughs it off or tries to forget about it.... you're kidding yourself.
The sudden awakening of people worldwide to the new world order is amazing. In the past few years millions have woken up. Including myself!
If you haven't even looked into any of this already for yourself, what are you doing? Do you not know you're part of a plan which ends up with all of us dead? Do you not understand that your 'government' don't give a fuck about you?, do you not understand you're a slave?
Revolution is a concept I've been trying to understand for quite some time now. Just like most people ask when they find this shit out, 'what can we do?' I wanted to know this too. So I've thought about it a lot.
Well for a start, we can start getting our backbones back. We need to start speaking out, believe in what you think, speak you're mind.
FUCK ANYONE WHO CALLS YOU CRAZY! It's them who're crazy! because they have the facts right in their face but they're so dependent on the pretty pink world they live in they can't see the real truth. They'll come round eventually, and feel this exact same way.
When there's a big enough wide-spread knowledge of exactly what's going on, shit will kick off. They know that too. The current rulers of the world are shitting themselves! hahaha. These are people I'd like to actually physically kill, but because I'll never get anywhere near them I know that ain't gonna happen. It makes me so angry that I can't get at them, and probably will be the same for most people. But that's that key to it. I. We need to turn I into WE.
Alone we can do little, together we can do a lot. If we try going against this thing ourselves then it will only ruin our own lives, but if we approach it together as an 'enlightened group' much like the cunts themselves! We will outweigh them a million to one. Think about it.
We need a new political system, and by that I mean a new social and economic structure of our society. The one we currently have is fucking everyone apart from a few super rich individual groups. We can change this. We need to change this.
Monday, 4 October 2010
I find myself almost speechless when I take a break for a bit and sit and think about the actual conditions we live in. I find it hard to comprehend how we as people actually let this happen, and the conditions we're subject to still aren't improving to this day.
It's scary to think that every single time I walk down almost any public area, I'm being watched by cameras all over the place. Why? why the fuck is it necessary to have cameras monitoring the streets of a country? it lands on us the people, as a huge blow to our rights as a human being. People of all ages around me sometimes make little remarks about 1984 or the Big Brother prophecy if you can call it that, saying how it's getting more like it every day. I have news for you, It's already here! We live in it! Just look at things...
George Orwell didn't think of this scenario in his head, he had seen documents which explained what was PLANNED for society. The state of the world today was 100% engineered by design. Your designed to believe the bullshit lies and propaganda that the government feed you, do you think the news never stops talking about terrorism for a reason? Do you really think men in caves with really long beards, or people inspired by them organized the demolition of the twin towers? Do you think it was them who organized the 7/7 bombings in London? Or do you think the attacks all could have been done by design by our governments to make us agree with invading other countries.
If you believe that the terrorists are behind this then you're being deluded. Honestly, the evidence against these people is solid. Almost no one I've talked to in person likes the government or system that is ruling us in present times, that's one of the major strong points for me. People everywhere know that something is wrong, even the people who are clueless as fuck know that the government are up to some bad things.
The knowledge is slowly becoming more widespread and been uncovered by people, peoples belief in government is at an all time low, people are angry at them and at the system because they've declared war on us basically. When you accept that fact it really changes you. As a person and how you see things around you, when you step out of the tiny little box we've all been living in you actually realize how small of a box it was. I sometimes get angry at people in general, because of this reason. The people who still live in a pretty pink world annoy the fuck out of you when you're world loses it's fake hollow color. Some of you's will understand what I mean, some of you's will probably think I sound crazy but I couldn't care in the slightest!
The people telling the truth at first always get labeled crazy, it comes with the experience of waking up.
There is the video of Eugenicist, Bill Gates explaining how we need to make people infertile and unable to have children through VACCINES - yes, things which they tell us will protect us - because this will stop the TOTALLY MADE UP problem of over population. Bill gates was formerly looked upon by people, including myself to be a nice guy. Donates a lot to charity etc.. But there you go. The evidence he wants forcibly sterilize you, you can't argue with it.
There is the Chief Executive Officer and Wellness Director of Life Energy Holistic Partners, Inc. Telling you what I told you all months ago. ASPARTAME IS NOT SAFE. FACT. You people reading this have been warned, next time you take a drink of diet coke or chew some chewing gum, just know you've been warned about it. It's up to you if you want to keep killing yourself more and more, I'd just advise you to do a little research yourself and have some common sense.
The money we use every day, it's issued as a debt before it even touches our bank accounts. This obviously creates a system of slavery, work it out for yourself.
That video took me longer than it usually would to understand a video, but watch it over and over again till you do. I can't express how important that EVERY SINGLE person in the UK learns that! It's what keeps us in place today.
If people came together once there is a big enough understanding and support of the anti government system, once there has been a big enough awakening, then we can do something. Alone we can do little, together we can do lots. It's amazing how powerful that statement is. People need to realize that more, that's why I'm writing this for you to read!
Spread the word as much as you can, once you understand the current affair of things, you're world will change for the better. And only the act of spreading the word of this information will bring change. Make you're own minds up on what you want to be behind you're actions in life. I apologize for any mistakes or if things don't quite make sense, I always seem to be really tired when I'm in the mood to write a post! aha. Peace.
Tuesday, 28 September 2010
This will explain what's going on in the world.
What the globalists are doing primarily.
Tells you what the future really holds for us if humanity is steered in the direction that the globalist dictators want it to be.
The Battle for Newcastle (1 of 5) from Charles Veitch on Vimeo.
Here's a local video! A really really good watch if you're from Ashington or anywhere near Newcastle really. The other parts to it can be found on vimeo, the website the videos hosted on. Really worth the watch.
I can't really stress enough to people how important this information is and how important it is to spread it to as many as you possibly can. People are being poisoned and killed every single day by the people in power. Shake these people out of your lives, don't believe a word any of the puppets say.
Tuesday, 21 September 2010
What we are.
Crazy stuff, totally right too.
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
It seriously opens you're eyes to what the super powers of today are up to, check it out!
Tuesday, 14 September 2010
Bill Gates.
Tuesday, 7 September 2010
Paying respect

In present day, we are controlled by a corrupt system of currency.
We heed to money every single day of our lives. Without money you can't buy food, water, shelter or anything necessary to live. Therefore without money, you cannot live. So, if you're the one who actually produces the money and controls how much there is of it, you control wherever uses that currency.
If the people who were in control of that system were out for the positive welfare of mankind, and not their own personal gains and lust for power, then this system would be alright to live against - unfortunately for us, it's not. It is controlled by a group of manipulative bankers, who also control and manipulate the political system of the world and have been for hundreds of years. Stretching from the french revolution, all the way to the war in Iraq.
One of the strongest blows these cunts have on us is, if anyone talks about them or tells people about them they get called crazy, and get told it's just made up conspiracy theory. How is it conspiracy if all the claims made are backed up by facts and evidence? The answer is, it's not. It's just another tv/media instilled barrier put there to stop people waking up. Well, good news is - thousands of people are! everyday now. Thanks to people like Alex Jones, David Icke, Immortal Technique, so many more and also thanks to the efforts of you at home, researching into what the actual truth is, instead of just believing everything the government controlled media ram down you're throats. When people wake up, they realize that the world around them ain't as it really seems. When I first actually thought through the state of affairs, and actually comprehend what's going on, I was speechless. But then I was took over by an urge to fight back, it's just instinct. It's the correct feeling to get when you hear people are killing and exploiting you and the people around you. That's why I started up this blog again, I feel I have things to say which people need to hear. Here's some more I wanna talk about..
The Bank of England

These are the people who make our money. One of the best wordings of what they've done simplified is here:
"..we pay the bank interest on that money just as though it was real money that existed that somebody was sacrificing to make available to us as a loan. We really think we’re borrowing money that somebody has put into the bank on deposit, and the interest rate is justified because we have to pay that person for the sacrifice he made of making that money available to us, when in fact the money was created out of nothing. And so we are paying interest on nothing. Now that is the scam that I’m talking about. That is how all of our money comes into existence, not only in the England but in the entire Western world. And if that isn’t a scam, I can’t imagine what would be."
There you go. That's what they're doing, that's why you spend you're life working only ever earning enough to pay off you're bills with a tiny bit of spending money. It's a form of modern slavery, when you put it into perspective, that's exactly what it is!

Now I've gotten that posted on here, I wanna talk about today - 9 years ago.
I was sitting in the living room with my mam, watching the news report as the first plane crashed into the towers. Then the second. My mam thought it was the beginning of the third world war! not far wrong either.
Then I watched the constant news broadcasts for literally MONTHS and months about TERRORISTS! BIN LADEN! WMD'S!
That video is a prime example of exactly what the government use 9/11 as; a tool to instill fear to the country, so they can carry out whatever plans it is they have and make the people of the country back them up cause they're scared by SOMETHING THE VERY SAME PEOPLE CARRIED OUT!
If you still think that Bin Laden was behind 9/11, sorry to say, but there's no hope for you. You might as well kill yourself if you're gonna believe something so untrue and false, then rely on the perpetrators to make things right. Where will you end up?
STOP RELYING ON THE GOVERNMENT. The evidence against the government is solid. They've murdered people as part of a bigger plan.
Please read into things that happen, don't just believe what the corrupt government tell us has happened. Thousands of people have lost family members, sons, daughters AND STILL NO JUSTICE. My heart honestly does go out to the victims of 9/11, justice will come. Come on people. Wake up.
Thursday, 2 September 2010
It's all true. Solid fact. When are you going to start doing something about it?? Tell you're friends and family. Re-post the blog to facebook or twitter or whatever, get the word spread. Do people not feel responsible to warn others? a lot of people on a global scale are waking up to it, but change starts at home! It's what everyone should be doing.
We actually have a really big chance of losing against the Eugenicists I'd say. The amount of people at the moment around me who've just read this information or watched a video explaining it and have shrugged it off and forgot about it straight away. It's crazy. How are we gonna even stand a chance if people don't even take the people telling them the facts seriously?. Don't just believe me from the blog though, do you're own research! go onto Google and type in some of the stuff mentioned on the blog or on youtube videos.
If someone's throwing punches at you from behind, you'd wanna know who it was right?
Wednesday, 1 September 2010
"No woman shall have the legal right to bear a child… without a permit for parenthood."
- Margaret Sanger (founder of Planned Parenthood) in her proposed The American Baby Code, intended to become law in America.
Birth control methods are favored by Eugenicists, Hitler conducted a lot of eugenic experiments with the Jew's. Actually, the extermination of the Jew's during Hitler's power is a prime example of Eugenics, he wanted a perfect race and in his eyes, that meant no Jews or people with whatever color hair and whatever color eyes. This is what Eugenics is.
Things like, additives in drinks and food which cause illnesses over a long period of time, causing people to get cancer, become infertile etc, Swine Flu, and the H1N1 vaccines the government gave out for that and how they were filled with mercury causing an increase in convulsions in children by ten fold.. Are these things, not exactly what the people who favor Eugenics would want? Could they have been engineering this social state we're in right now? Do they benefit from racial segregation? Are they killing us by design for the purpose of Eugenics? Of course they fucking are.
My point in explaining all this in more detail, is the Rockefeller Foundation backs Eugenics. Just as the Royal Family do. Eugenics means killing or making infertile, people who aren't deemed desirable by people at the top of the pyramid. To have people still question the New World Order and call me or people like me who talk about it crazy or paranoid, is stupid and crazily frustrating. And it's the biggest reaction I get from people. I know why this is, it's because people don't like accepting or hearing about anything which is going to rock the little boat of their happy lives. The life molded by the media, pretty much dictated to by the television. People don't like facing fact, and that's what this is. The system which has been designed for us is also designed to collapse. There is no way in hell anyone can call our system sustainable. By the system I mean, the monetary system, the political system, social system etc..
Our future doesn't hold good things for us. Especially the way that society is in present day.
Here's some videos that you would benefit from watching;
Thursday, 26 August 2010
Some people are born to be a burden on the rest.
They are owed to for contributing to financing both sides of world conflict for personal benefits, funding terrorism,

, the building of a 'doomsday' seed vault in case of global emergency.. The Rockefeller family and their business are, questionable to say the least.
The building of a mosque on ground zero is of course going to raise racial crime, argument and influence the views of many more. All contributing to segregating certain people from other people. They puppeteers behind this know exactly what they're doing.
Here are some of the faces I believe to be or, have been key players in the 'global elites' execution of their plan in present day:

David Rockefeller, this man I imagine sits in one of his multi-million dollar mansions, just watching numbers on a piece of paper, watching his wealth and influence into society go up and up. He believes he's better than you in every way. He is the founder of some of the groups with the strongest elitist beliefs. He was one of the main people behind 9/11 I believe. Yet, he has received countless awards over the years from society for his 'honor'.

George. H. W. Bush, the father of the idiot which was president of America, when I believe to be the 'kick start' forward for A New World Order. When Senior George Bush was president, he used the term 'New World Order' in many of his speeches. In his Presidency, 1989 - 1993, he set up the building blocks for the new world order. A term which he coined by the amount of times he used it. In 2000, His son was elected president. Although I believe the go-ahead on the World Trade Center attacks and the Bombing of the Pentagon to come from much higher up the Elitist heir achy, It was then I believe Senior George Bush fulfilled his goal of a New World Order. Through the use of his son's actions. The 9/11 attacks gave the appropriate public opinion and the excuse for the invasion of yet another country, these being, Afghanistan, - when they were looking for they're old colleague Bin Laden, the face on the front cover of the 9/11 book which International bankers authored - who also used to be a CIA tactician, in case you's weren't aware of that fact. Iraq,- When America and Britain went into Iraq to find WMD's, which they were so confident about in finding, that's cause America gave them them to go to war with Iran, years before 2000.
"It is becoming increasingly clear that George Bush, operating largely behind the scenes throughout the 1980s, initiated and supported much of the financing, intelligence, and military help that built Saddam's Iraq into the power it became"

Shit's fucked up.
Wednesday, 25 August 2010
Monday, 23 August 2010
Grim truths.
Why the fuck can't Iran have a nuclear leg to stand on when we have a whole gang of our own? Why would they want to attack america? they probably know that the revenge and support attacks would be nothing to out their own responses. It wouldn't make sense. Gooooodnight.
Sunday, 22 August 2010
Hello, I want to bring up another major matter which I believe to be present, in the North East of England particularly. It doesn't take two thoughts to know where your community stands on issues relating to equality. People in the area where you live, around you, portray the opinion of the majority of the community on different issues. My interpretation of the Ashington outlook on people with different colored skin to their own is a very grim one. I know for a fact that racism is a huge huge problem in Ashington and surrounding areas. Not so much as to actual incidents of expression, but just the general knowledge of how people around you think of others. People on a daily basis call people with different colored skin "Paki's" around where I live; 'How the hell did this come to be?' is the question I find myself asking. You can tell of my opinion of the social state of the country by looking through the blog. If you watch the documentary "End Game" you'll see clearly how the globalist 'elite' pull the strings to implant forced mentality onto populations through the use of the media, television etc.
Here is an example which just touches on the tip of the iceberg which I believe to be the fundamental cause.

I'm getting tired and gonna leave a lot to another post about racism. Coming soon.
Saturday, 21 August 2010
Something else I thought I'd highlight, this includes British soldiers too. Obama said he was going to bring change. Where the fuck is the change? how stupid do all those people wearing Obama shirts look now?
Bilderberg Films

Recently, Fidel Castro produced an article in which he openly discusses what the Bilderberg Group is - “it has become a kind of global government, controlling not only international politics and economics, but even culture,” . As Alex Jones has said clearly, this will make a huge impact on people when they find out about it. Search the term 'Bilderberg Films' as many times as you can. When you do this (I imagine hundreds of thousands of others will be doing the same thing) the term hits the top search term trends. Searching this term will link you to some articles and videos which totally blow the cover of what the Bilderberg exactly is and what they've been doing. At first the media denied it's very existence (people who run the media are attendees of the Bilderberg Group) and now they admit that it's a very real thing and say that a world government will be a good thing. They say it will be safer, no more war. There will be no more war because there will only be one country in the whole world and no one else to fight with! Come on people, think about it. A one single police force, one currency, no more United Kingdom because every piece of land you set foot on in the whole world is part of the same country. I for one, do not want this to happen.
Here is the list of confirmed attendees (fact) for the 2009 meeting of the Bilderberg; may i add, that Barack Obama was a confirmed attendee as you see in the film above. He told the American people that he was else where when he attended.
Dutch Queen Beatrix
Queen Sofia of Spain
Prince Constantijn (Belgian Prince)
Prince Philippe Etienne Ntavinion, Belgium
Étienne, Viscount Davignon, Belgium (former vice-president of the European Commission)
Josef Ackermann (Swiss banker and CEO of Deutsche Bank)
Keith B. Alexander, United States (Lieutenant General, U.S. Army, Director of the National Security Agency)
Roger Altman, United States (investment banker, former U.S. Deputy Treasury Secretary under Bill Clinton)
Georgios A. Arapoglou, Greece (Governor of National Bank of Greece)
Ali Babaca , Turkey (Deputy Prime Minister responsible for economy)
Francisco Pinto Balsemão, Portugal (former Prime Minister of Portugal)
Nicholas Bavarez, France (economist and historian)
Franco Bernabè, Italy (Telecom Italia)
Xavier Bertrand, France (French politician connected to Nicolas Sarkozy)
Carl Bildt, Sweden (former Prime Minister of Sweden)
January Bgiorklount, Norway (?)
Christoph Blocher, Switzerland (industrialist, Vice President of the Swiss People’s Party)
Alexander Bompar, France (?)
Ana Patricia Botin, Spain, (President of Banco Banesto)
Henri de Castries, France (President of AXA, the French global insurance companies group)
Juan Luis Cebrián, Spain (journalist for Grupo PRISA; his father was a senior journalist in the fascist Franco regime)
W. Edmund Clark, Canada (CEO TD Bank Financial Group)
Kenneth Clarke, Great Britain (MP, Shadow Business Secretary)
Luc Cohen, Belgium (?)
George David, United States (Chairman and former CEO of United Technologies Corporation, board member of Citigroup)
Richard Dearlove, Great Britain (former head of the British Secret Intelligence Service)
Mario Draghi, Italy (economist, governor of the Bank of Italy)
Eldrup Anders, Denmark (CEO Dong Energy)
John Elkann, Italy (Italian industrialist, grandson of the late Gianni Agnelli, and heir to the automaker Fiat)
Thomas Enders, Germany (CEO Airbus)
Jose Entrekanales, Spain (?)
Isintro phenomena casket, Spain (?)
Niall Ferguson, United States (Professor of History at Harvard University and William Ziegler Professor at Harvard Business School)
Timothy Geithner, United States (Secretary of the Treasury)
Ntermot convergence, Ireland (AIV Group) (?)
Donald Graham, United States (CEO and chairman of the board of The Washington Post Company)
Victor Chalmperstant, Netherlands (Leiden University)
Ernst Hirsch Ballin, Netherlands (Dutch politician, minister of Justice in the fourth Balkenende cabinet, member of the Christian Democratic Appeal)
Richard Holbrooke, United States (Obama’s special envoy for Afghanistan and Pakistan)
Jaap De Hoop Scheffer, Netherlands (Dutch politician and the current NATO Secretary General)
James Jones, United States (National Security Advisor to the White House)
Vernon Jordan, United States (lawyer, close adviser to President Bill Clinton)
Robert Keigkan, United States (? – possibly Robert Kagan, neocon historian)
Girki Katainen, Finland (?)
John Kerr (aka Baron Kerr of Kinlochard), Britain (Deputy Chairman of Royal Dutch Shell and an independent member of the House of Lords)
Mustafa Vehbi Koç, Turkey (President of industrial conglomerate Koç Holding)
Roland GT, Germany (?)
Sami Cohen, Turkey (Journalist) (?)
Henry Kissinger, United States
Marie Jose Kravis, United States (Hudson Institute)
Neelie Kroes, Netherlands (European Commissioner for Competition)
Odysseas Kyriakopoulos, Greece (Group S & B) (?)
Manuela Ferreira Leite, Portugal (Portuguese economist and politician)
Bernardino Leon Gross, Spain (Secretary General of the Presidency)
Jessica Matthews, United States (President of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace)
Philippe Maystadt (President of the European Investment Bank)
Frank McKenna, Canada (Deputy Chairman of the Toronto-Dominion Bank)
John Micklethwait, Great Britain (Editor-in-chief of The Economist)
Thierry de Montbrial, France (founded the Department of Economics of the École Polytechnique and heads the Institut français des relations internationales)
Mario Monti, Italy (Italian economist and politician, President of the Bocconi University of Milan)
Miguel Angel Moratinos, Spain (Minister of Foreign Affairs)
Craig Mundie, United States (chief research and strategy officer at Microsoft)
Egil Myklebust, Norway (Chairman of the board of SAS Group, Scandinavian Airlines System)
Mathias Nass, Germany (Editor of the newspaper Die Zeit)
Denis Olivennes, France (director general of Nouvel Observateur)
Frederic Oudea, France (CEO of Société Générale bank)
Cem Özdemir, Germany (co-leader of the Green Party and Member of the European Parliament)
Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa, Italy (Italian banker, economist, and former Minister of Economy and Finance)
Dimitrios Th.Papalexopoulo, Greece (Managing Director of Titan Cement Company SA)
Richard Perle, United States (American Enterprise Institute)
David Petraeus, United States (Commander, U.S. Central Command)
Manuel Pinho, Portugal (Minister of Economy and Innovation)
J. Robert S. Prichard, Canada (CEO of Torstar Corporation and president emeritus of the University of Toronto)
Romano Prodi, Italy (former Italian Prime Minister and former President of the European Commission)
Heather M. Reisman, Canada (co-founder of Indigo Books & Music Inc.).
Eivint Reitan, Norway (economist, corporate officer and politician for the Centre Party)
Michael Rintzier, Czech Republic (?)
David Rockefeller, United States
Dennis Ross, United States (special adviser for the Persian Gulf and Southwest Asia to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton)
Barnett R. Rubin, United States (Director of Studies and Senior Fellow, Center for International Cooperation)
Alberto Rouith-Gkalarthon, Spain (?)
Susan Sampantzi Ntintzer, Turkey (?) Guler Sabanci, President of Sabanci Holdings (?)
Indira Samarasekera, Canada (President of University of Alberta, Board of Directors Scotiabank)
Rountol Solten, Austria (?)
Jürgen E. Schrempp, Germany (CEO DaimlerChrysler)
Pedro Solbes Mira, Spain (economist, Socialist, Second Vice President and Minister of Economy and Finance)
Sampatzi Saraz, Turkey (banker) (?) possibly Süreyya Serdengeçti (former Governor of the Central Bank of Turkey)
Sanata Seketa, Canada (University of Canada) (?)
Lawrence Summers, United States (economist, Director of the White House’s National Economic Council)
Peter Sutherland, Ireland (Chairman, BP and Chairman of Goldman Sachs International)
Martin Taylor, United Kingdom (former chief executive of Barclays Bank, currently Chairman of Syngenta AG)
Peter Thiel, United States (Clarium Capital Management LCC, PayPal co-founder, Board of Directors, Facebook)
Agan Ourgkout, Turkey (?)
Matti Taneli Vanhanen, Finland, (Prime Minister)
Daniel L. Vasella, Switzerland (Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer at Novartis AG)
Jeroen van der Veer, Netherlands (CEO of Royal Dutch Shell)
Guy Verhofstadt, Belgium (former Prime Minister)
Paul Volcker, U.S. (former Federal Reserve director, Chair of Obama’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board)
Jacob Wallenberg, Sweden (chairman of Investor AB and former chairman of Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken)
Marcus Wallenberg, Sweden (CEO of Investor AB, former chairman of Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken)
Nout Wellink, Netherlands (Chairman of De Nederlandsche Bank, Board of Directors, the Bank of International Settlements)
Hans Wijers, Netherlands (CEO of the multinational corporation AkzoNobel)
Martin Wolf, Great Britain (associate editor and chief economics commentator at the Financial Times)
James Wolfensohn, United States (former president of the World Bank)
Paul Wolfowitz, United States (for U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense, President of the World Bank, currently AEI scholar)
Fareed Zakaria, United States (journalist, author, and CNN host)
Robert Zoellick, United States (former managing director of Goldman Sachs, President the World Bank)
Dora Bakoyannis, Greece (Minister of Foreign Affairs)
Anna Diamantopoulou, Greece (Member of Parliament for the Panhellenic Socialist Movement)
Yannis Papathanasiou, Greece (Minister of Finance)
George Alogoskoufis, Greece (former Minister)
George A. David, Greece (businessman, president of Coca-Cola)
With all those people as confirmed attendants of the meetings, No one can deny that it's worth of question. I ask the question: Is what I've been posting about so hard to believe when you delve into the actual information of these people and what they're doing? What could the founders of this group actually want to achieve?Also, another matter I laughed at is Prince Charles telling British families to ‘Snub the tub. If everybody in a four-person family replaced one bath a week with a five-minute shower, you could save between £5 and £15 per year off your energy bill.’ He's doing this as part of his 'Green' campaign. Hahaha, fuckoff and go play with the queen.
Love Jamie.
Friday, 6 August 2010
Stating the facts.
Right, naturally I've had some criticism from a few people when I've been talking about the issues below this post. I've decided the best thing to do is give people the hard proven FACTS, things which have I have learned, and have been learned by thousands of others; so you can learn them, let them sink in, and then hopefully go tell other people! People literally cannot contradict what I'm saying as it's all PROVEN FACT. I'll list some terrifying ones to start with.
Aspartame, Silicone, Cotton seed oil and Fluoride.
The following products contain one of the above harmful chemicals. Aspartame for instance, is an artificial sweetener, which is also a known harmful poison which is the feces (THE SHIT) of the genetically modified bacteria, E-coli. When it was tested on monkeys, it took them three attempts to get the drug certified as the monkeys were either dying or contracting cancer when given it. This drug has been PROVEN to increase your chances of cancer, it also leads to infertility, miscarriages, causes pregnant women to go into labor prematurely, been linked to leukemia and brain cancer. It is also very very addictive.
It has been proven that McDonald's and many other top frozen meal company's have been knowingly putting dimethylpolysiloxane (a form of silicone, which is plastic if you still didn't know.) into their products. This is obviously not fit for human consumption, and yet it is designed. allowed and approved by the FDA. The people who are meant to say what is safe for human consumption and what's not. It is a known fact from studies done in Germany, India and the United states, that when the left over cottonseeds from the genetically modified corn are fed to cows, the cows were having miscarriages, low birth weight's or dying. Cottonseed Oil is used in MOST processed foods in present day. Fluoride, it's a chemical which is found in about 90% of the toothpaste you'll find on the shelves. It is also in discussion (maybe even in right now) that the government are discussing putting it in the water supply of the country. That means your going to probably be using it in the toothpaste, not the water yet! Fluoride is PROVEN to cause cancer and lower IQ. Do i really need to say more? Do you really need more evidence that the people pulling these shots and making this happen are disgusting, psychotic filthy murderers.
Read the information a couple times, allow it to sink in properly. Now take a look at some of the foods and products the deadly chemicals are in:
- Diet Coke
- Coke Zero
- Pepsi Max
- Oasis
- 80 percent of chewing gum on the market, including Wrigley's, airwaves, tridents etc..
- Mentos
- Actimel
- The 39p glucose energy drinks you can buy in corner shops now. A drink I used to buy all the time!
- Chicken nuggets
- Over 85% of the U.S and the E.U's sweetcorn
Pretty much EVERY diet soft drink available contains Aspartame. Ask yourself the question, do you really want to be consuming any of these drugs which has been PROVEN to link into a more than doubled chance of all the illnesses i stated previously? Do you know people who consume any of this stuff usually? I can guarantee almost everyone who comes on this blog will!
Links about the issue above (probably already been posted) :
After reading this, the main thing which non believers would say is, "well how comes it's been in all them products for years and years and hasn't killed everyone?". My response would be to open your eyes and look around! All of the above illnesses are a common thing to hear of in today's society! people are being killed and lives are being ruined from behind closed doors! This is really happening people, we really are eating and drinking poisoned products which have been approved for us by the government and health departments which will take effect over a long period of time.
It's late and I'm super tired. I'll finish this post off tomorrow.
Goodnight and Good Morning!
Monday, 2 August 2010
Watch what you eat!
So, if you need someone to conclude everything that's said still it on a basic level is; proof that the government are involved in population control 100 percent. They will kill you to achieve what they want. Another thing this means, is a lot of your daily shit you eat isn't actually safe to be eating. Last night I got home, went in the fridge and got out an orange energy drink. Just been talking about this issue before so I turned it over to check for Aspartame. Aspartame is the chemical that Alex shows you is in Coke Zero, responsible for cancer, brain damage, lowered IQ. I found it. The main sweetener! I couldn't drink it! was over it. If this doesn't make you wake up then I don't really know what will! Fair enough, if you're totally new to the facts of what are really going on, then this is a bit much to believe. But fuck me, watch the videos. The good guys are the bad guys, yaaa dig?
Friday, 30 July 2010
The next war!

It should say the obama warometer. Information that America has given out states that it will back up an Israeli attack on Iran by "all means necessary…including the use of military force". This essentially means that America is pushing for a war with Iran as America will surely be brought into the conflict when Tehran retaliates. Just wanna get this bit of information stated so people know what to start believing in when this eventually happens. Word to Mahmoud!
Thursday, 29 July 2010
Time to wake up.
This is the video I think covers the biggest amount of information in the simplest way. It's a good first video to watch.
Loose change, the documentary which opened my eyes to it all. It utterly destroys the lies we were told about 9/11.
The Obama Deception, shows you that really, Obama is whiter than me!
There really shouldn't be a more important issue in people's lives today than this one. The fact that upon reading this, or upon me telling you of it, is your first hearing of this. The newspapers haven't covered it, the repeaters on bbc news haven't reported it, the amazing government haven't brought it to attention. Still think what I'm talking about is bullshit?